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Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2018

The Influence of the Mexican Muralists in the United States. From the New Deal to the Abstract Expressionism

The Influence of the Mexican Muralists in the United States. From the New Deal to the Abstract Expressionism. This thesis explains the importance and impact of this type of Mexican art in the United States. Also proposes to investigate the influence of the Mexican muralists in the United States, from the Depression to the Cold War. This thesis begins with the origins of the Mexican mural movement, which will provide the background to understand the artists ideologies and their relationship and conflicts with the Mexican government. Then, discuss the presence of Mexican artists in the United States, their repercussions, and the interaction between censorship and freedom of expression as well as the controversies that arose from their murals. Reference: Alvarez, L. (2001). The Influence of the Mexican Muralists in the United States. From the New Deal to the Abstract Expressionism (Master Thesis). Retrieved from:

Diego Rivera: constructing a myth

Diego Rivera: constructing a myth In this thesis we can know some interesting facts about the Mexican painter (Diego Rivera) and his paintings. Diego Rivera was a master of creating visual languages to express his ideas and beliefs. Throughout his life, he actively sought to define Mexican culture and his life through his art and his writing. Much of how he is remembered today: visionary, rebel, lover; and how Mexico is known to the world: exotic, colorful, cultural, was carefully crafted through Rivera‘s artistic efforts. If you want to read more, click in the title. Reference: Nordholm, H. (2011). Diego Rivera: constructing a myth (Master Thesis). Retrieved from

A call to reinvent liberal arts education

A call to reinvent liberal arts education  Bennington president Liz Coleman delivers a call-to-arms for radical reform in higher education. Bucking the trend to push students toward increasingly narrow areas of study, she proposes a truly cross-disciplinary education -- one that dynamically combines all areas of study to address the great problems of our day. Reference: Liz Coleman, February 2009, Retrieved from:

La educacion artistica no son manualidades

La educación artística no son manualidades This video is an incredible option to see if you want to understand how the arts in education are  distorted, how the arts are an incorrect idea that and today is still alive.  Reference:  Redes Asociadas , Publicado el 14/03/2016. Presentación del libro de María Acaso en el Museo Thyssen (2009). 

El vacío de la educación artística en México

El vacío de la educación artística en México En México hay un vacío de educación artística en los niveles educativos y nada se hace por incentivar una política educativa que supere la situación, manifestó la investigadora María Esther Aguirre Lora, durante la presentación de su libro "Repensar las artes. Culturas, Educación y Cruce de Itinerarios". Referencia: El vacío de la educación artística en México. Noticias Trecevisión Publicado 05/05/2012. Recuperado de:

Street art

STREET ART  Street art in Mexico always represents something of Mexican culture, in the image can be seen represented an Alebrije. This ones was created in 1936 by a cardboard man named Pedro Linares López, at 30 years of age. His inspiration came after getting sick and falling into a deep sleep, where he saw these creatures for the first time. During his illness, it is said that Pedro dreamed of a forest full of trees, rocks and animals, being very peaceful. Suddenly, those elements began to transform into strange creatures, like donkeys with wings, roosters with bull horns, lions with dog heads, and so on. And all those fantastic animals shouted a word in unison and every time stronger: alebrijes. If you want to read more about this story click here. Reference: Gleo & UnoNueve collaborate on a new mural in Mexico City | StreetArtNews  Gleo and UnoNueve - Mexico City (Mexico) ,

Typical clothes of Mexico

Typical clothes of Mexico  These clothes are usually very colourful and made manually, the designs that usually have are flowers and patterns. The well-known Tehuanas Zapotecas use a skirt and huipil of satin, embroidered in chain, a refajo of strip embroidered and showy jewels. The dress suit, even more popular, is the suit that is used for great celebrations. It consists of a huipil embroidered by hand in a huge frame typical of the region and a skirt embroidered with designs of flowers in bright colors that has, in its lower part, a very large auction called holán. In the head they carry an attachment called "radiance". Generally, the outfit is decorated with gold jewelry, like medallions. The Tehuanas have a twisted braid, which has a giant bow around it. They also carry a "xicapextle", round and deep jícara varnished with drawings of flowers and adorned with flags of colors that wear on the head. It is mainly used in the traditional "fruit r...

Artistic interventions of the Mexican student movement.

Artistic interventions of the Mexican student movement. ‘Leverage’ is an inquiry into the work of Artistas Aliados, the artistic branch of the #YoSoy132 student movement that burst out in Mexico on May 11th, 2012. Excluded from the usual circuits of aesthetic and economic value production, the work of Artistas Aliados provides an opportunity to explore contemporary geopolitics of value from a position of relative exteriority. The author departs from the thesis that neoliberalism has appropriated the formal dimension of our imaginations as a result of its global hegemony over economics and mass media. Neoliberalism's colonization of form mobilizes unconscious affective content to the advantage of capital, which Artistas Aliados strive to leverage to their own advantage. Reference: Aroch-Fugellie, P. (2013). Leverage: Artistic interventions of the Mexican student movement. Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, 22(4), 353–373.

Festival internacional de arte acción: Mujeres en ruta.

Festival internacional de arte acción: Mujeres en ruta.  Este Festival traza como una de sus principales características la participación activa de mujeres Latinoamericanas dedicadas al arte de performance, su investigación y proceso. El Festival contará con la participación de 27 mujeres dedicadas a la investigación, gestión y desarrollo de la performance a través de diferentes medios de intervención como Acciones en vivo, Muestra de videos, Ponencias, así como el Taller “Archiva: Archivos, Género y Performance” que impartirá la artista Mónica Mayer. Reference: Estación corregidora. Publicado el 27/08/2015. Festival Internacional de Arte Acción: Mujeres en Ruta. Querétaro-México. Recuperado de:

Arts, Research, Innovation and Society

Arts, Research, Innovation and Society Abstract: Creativity in general and the arts in particular are increasingly recognized as drivers of cultural, economic, political, social, and scientific innovation and development. The title of this first book and the title of the whole book series are identical. This should underline the character and intent of the first book, which is to explore in an open approach the possible, promising, creative, and innovative themes that align with ARIS (Arts, Research, Innovation, and Society). The first volume of the book series consists of fourteen individual chapter contributions, plus the introduction and conclusion. In reference to the structure and form of the chapters, the chapters were not standardized, with the only exception that abstracts and key words were provided to all chapters. Experimenting with content as well as form (structure) will reveal the goal of the ARIS series, namely to explore and to pioneer new grounds at the evolvin...

Formación de públicos en espacios culturales alternativos

Formación de públicos en espacios culturales alternativos The formation of publics by cultural institutions is a necessity, since the studies carried out reveal the insufficient participation of citizens in the spaces created by these institutions for the enjoyment of cultural products. The objective of this paper was to propose a pedagogical strategy for public cultural education, which is its main contribution. This are some contents that you can find in this book: Prólogo Introducción Los centros culturales y la formación de públicos Hosteria la Bota La Compañía de Teatro Pentenciario de Santa Martha Acatitla La formación de lectores en México, revisión de algunas propuestas Contigo América Mecanismo de Comedia Wallpeople un proyecto internacional de Arte Colaborativo Historia e Identidad Cutout Fest El festival Internacional de Animación y Arte Digital El festival de la Huasteca. Reference: Benjamín González Pérez. (2015). Formación de pú...

Mexico’s street art explosion - Aztec meets urban - BBC Trending

Mexico’s street art explosion - Aztec meets urban - BBC Trending This is a video in where we can see how street art is in Mexico and the thoughts and opinions of the artists. Reference: BBC Trending. (2015, May 14). Mexico’s street art explosion - Aztec meets urban - BBC Trending. Retrieved from

Mexican Culture: Customs & Traditions

Mexican Culture: Customs & Traditions All the information is related to the Mexican culture and its wonderful traditions and customs. Reference: Zimmermann, K. (2017, July 19). Mexican Culture: Customs & Traditions. Retrieved from:

Mexican Culture

Mexican Culture This report it explains very clearly everything about Mexico and its culture, it also talks about complicated issues such as indigenous people, that are the ones who more have a lack of cultural and art education. This is a little part of it: The indigenous peoples of Mexico continue be substantially disadvantaged. According to official figures on multidimensional data from the National Council for Evaluation of Social Development Policy, 72.3% of Mexico’s indigenous population lives in poverty. Many live in small peasant communities in rural areas. Others have had to integrate into mestizo society in order to improve their living conditions. Today, many make a wage by selling crafts and performing traditional dances in costume for tourists... Reference: Evason, N. (2018). Mexican culture. Mexico: Cultural Atlas. Retrieved from:

The Pain in Frida Kahlo’s art

The Pain in Frida Kahlo’s art This thesis explains how the Mexican painter (Frida Kahlo) created her works based on the pain that she felt in her life. If you want the full text, click here. Reference: Harisa, B. (2012). The Pain in Frida Kahlo’s art (Master Thesis). Retrieved from:

In Arts and Culture, a ‘New’ Mexico Embraces Its Roots

In Arts and Culture, a ‘New’ Mexico Embraces Its Roots Natalia Lafourcade is a Mexican singer and songwriter, she decided to connect back with her origins. MEXICO CITY — When the pop singer Natalia Lafourcade stepped onto the stage of National Auditorium here last fall, it was a high point of a career that began more than 10 years ago, when she performed in grunge-inspired attire. If you want to read more, click here. Reference: Villegas, P. (2016, August 23). In Arts and Culture, a ‘New’ Mexico Embraces Its Roots. The New York Times, retrieved from

La vida y difusión cultural en México: sus alcances, logros y desafíos en el contexto del foro El México que Queremos

La vida y difusión cultural en México: sus alcances, logros y desafíos en el contexto del foro El México que Queremos Explicó que la difusión cultural debe pensarse en formas globales y en ese sentido el internet y las redes sociales exigen ser creativos en el diseño de estrategias de comunicación. La difusión cultural contemporánea es el arte de llevar al público las diversas manifestaciones artísticas y culturales, el objetivo es llevar el arte y la cultura al mayor número de mexicanos. Reference: Secretaria de Cultura. (2013). La vida y difusión cultural en México: sus alcances, logros y desafíos en el contexto del foro El México que Queremos. Prensa. Recuperado de:

Mónica Mansour. José Gorostiza: la creación sin fin. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2015 (Textos de Difusión Cultural. Serie El Estudio)

Mónica Mansour. José Gorostiza: la creación sin fin. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2015 (Textos de Difusión Cultural. Serie El Estudio) El ojo crítico de la autora puesto sobre la obra de Gorostiza —uno de los representantes de ese grupo de intelectuales reunidos en torno a la revista Contemporáneos nos descubre una personalidad y una obra vista desde una perspectiva poco abordada hasta ahora: la del esoterismo, entendido como una serie de técnicas y conocimientos secretos muy al estilo de doctrinas como la alquimia, el hermetismo o la cábala. Referencia: Payán Escalante, I. (2018). Mónica Mansour. José Gorostiza: la creación sin fin. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2015 (Textos de Difusión Cultural. Serie El Estudio). Literatura Mexicana, (1), 159.


ACCESO Y DISFRUTE DE LIBROS ANTIGUOS Y DOCUMENTOS HISTÓRICOS, COMO UN DERECHO CULTURAL EN MÉXICO. This paper analyzes the problem of access and enjoyment in rare books and historical documents as a cultural right in Mexico. The aim is understand the juridical nature of cultural right as constitutional guarantee of safeguard patrimonial objects by means of diffusion and knowledge about their value as cultural richness. Reference:  García, I. (2006). Acceso y disfrute de libros antiguos y documentos históricos, como un derecho cultural en México, 53. Retrieved from

'Échale un ojo a tus monumentos': Un programa de difusión sobre patrimonio cultural para niños y jóvenes de México.

'Échale un ojo a tus monumentos': Un programa de difusión sobre patrimonio cultural para niños y jóvenes de México. El programa "Échale un ojo a tus monumentos", de la Coordinación Nacional de Monumentos Históricos del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (CNMH-INAH), nació a partir de una necesidad muy específica: lograr que los escolares de educación básica en centros o poblados con monumentos históricos conozcan, disfruten y difundan desde su realidad particular el patrimonio cultural edificado. Haciendo eco del principio de la escuela activa "aprender haciendo", nuestro enfoque busca que se aprenda a valorar cuidando; es decir, se trata de inducir valores en el estudiante por medio de su participación activa. La presente contribución expone los objetivos, metodología y desarrollo del programa con el fin dereportar algunos de sus resultados y plantear algunos retos a futuro, mismos que llevan a una reflexión sobre la experiencia y s...

Derecho a la cultura en México. Su constitucionalización, sus características, alcances y limitaciones.

Derecho a la cultura en México. Su constitucionalización, sus características, alcances y limitaciones.  El derecho a la cultura, dentro de nuestro sistema constitucional, es uno de los derechos humanos menos estudiados. Desde su inclusión en la Constitución prácticamente su evolución ha sido nula. En el presente artículo, se analiza sunaturaleza y alcances con la finalidad de conseguir un mejor desarrollo, tanto desde la perspectiva de las políticas públicas, como en su desarrollo legislativo, por medio de una Ley General de Cultura. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Referencia: Dorantes Díaz, F. J. (2013). Derecho a la cultura en México. Su constitucionalización, sus características, alcances y limitaciones. Alegatos - Revista Jurídica de La Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, (85), 845–862. Retrieved from

La cultura y la cuestión social

La cultura y la cuestión social Mario Luis Fuentes dialoga con la Dra. Silvia Molina, Presidenta del Seminario de Cultura Mexicana y con la Dra. Ma. Teresa Uriarte Castañeda, Coordinadora de Difusión Cultural de la UNAM acerca del incumplimiento de los derechos culturales, así como de darle visibilidad a la relevancia que tiene el nexo entre la cultura y la cuestión social. Referencia: Canal Once (15/10/2013). México Social - La cultura y la cuestión social.

Culturas en movimiento: migración y difusión-dilución de las creencias en México

Culturas en movimiento: migración y difusión-dilución de las creencias en México Este artículo académico habla sobre las culturas seculares que también evolucionan a escala local, a veces de manera rápida; esta perspectiva a menudo es olvidada porque se ha privilegiado la atención a las influencias transnacionales. Ése es el caso de dos fundamentos culturales de América Latina: la pertenencia indígena heredada de los pueblos amerindios, y la religión católica, que si bien desde la Conquista adquirió un monopolio casi absoluto, desde los años sesenta ha disminuido su influencia frente a las iglesias evangelistas. La dinámica de estos rasgos culturales, por difusión o dilución, tiene un componente que interesa al demógrafo: la migración de las personas. Referencia: Daniel Delaunay. (2011). Culturas en movimiento: migración y difusión-dilución de las creencias en México. Estudios demográficos y urbanos, (2 (77)), 276. Retrieved from https://eds-b-ebscohost-com.udlap.idm.oclc.or...

A Study of the Relationship Between Internet Diffusion and Culture

A Study of the Relationship Between Internet Diffusion and Culture Examines the relationship between the cultural dimensions proposed by Hofstede and the Internet adoption rate of nations. Data from sixty-two countries are used to establish a regression model and the empirical results show that cultural traits such as "uncertainty avoidance " and "masculinity " index of a nation are significantly related to the nation's Internet dijfusion rate. Reference: Nath, Ravi and Murthy, N.R. Vasudeva (2004) "A Study of the Relationship Between Internet Diffusion and Culture," Journal of International Information Management: Vol. 13: Iss. 2, Article 5.   Retrieved from

Education in Mexico, Central America and the Latin Caribbean

Education in Mexico, Central America and the Latin Caribbean Examines the development and practice of education in México, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panamá. The chapters, written by local experts, provide an overview of the structure, aims and purposes of education in each of these ten countries with very different socio-economic backgrounds. Education in Mexico, Central America and the Latin Caribbean examines the development and practice of education in Mexico, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. The chapters, written by local experts, provide an overview of the structure, aims and purposes of education in each of these ten countries with very different socio-economic backgrounds.  The authors present curriculum standards, pedagogy, evaluation, accountability and delivery, discussing both how the formal systems are structured a...

Cultural Traditions in Mexico

Cultural Traditions in Mexico. This book describes how the blending of native Mexican and Spanish traditions, beliefs, and rituals has resulted in many of the lively and colorful festivals celebrated in Mexico today. Reference: Peppas, L. (2012). Cultural Traditions in Mexico (Cultural Traditions in my world). New York, Canada.  Crabtree Publishing Co, Canada . Available in

"III (Códice Ximohuayan)" by Luis Felipe Fabre

This is a double treat, boys! Not only is this a poem, it's a poem about the prehispanic cultures.  Take that! Los muertos: los señores de la garganta seca, los artesanos del callar, los forzadores de silencios. Pictoglifo de los forjadores de silencios: una volunta desdibujándose en la pintura: palabra descarnada: nada queda o casi: diríase pedacito de vasija, astilla de obsidiana, orejera entera pero impar. Algunas palabras descarnadas: Tecayehuatzin, Cacamatzin, tlatecatzin, Ayocuan, Cuetzpaltin, Temilotzin, Xicoténcatl el viejo. Véase León-Portilla, Miguel, Trece poetas del mundo azteca, UNAM, México, 1967. Véase en el oleaje de la hierba lo invisible: el viento. Fabre L. (2007). Cabaret Provenza . México: Fondo de cultura económica 

Andrés Manuel López Obrador en Tercer Grado

Don't you love our snow-haired president elect? Since we are two days away from AMLO taking the whole POWA' lml , and because this is a website related to the cultural diffusion in Mexico, I think it would be fair to share this quite controversial interview. Some people hate him, some people love him... Meh. Judge yourselves. Noticieros Televisa 2018 nov. 19 AMLO tercer grado- programa completo de la entrevista del 19 de noviembre de 2018 retroceder from https ://

"La Independencia de México" by Bully Magnets

You know what? Posting anything related to the national independence is pretty much cheating. But we are very desperate to have as much entries as we can, so I will just share another BM video. Bully magnets 2015 sep 6 La independencia de México - 5° aniversario bully magnets, available in  


FORMACIÓN DE EMPRESAS ARTÍSTICAS EN LA UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE CHIHUAHUA-MÉXICO Intervención educativa realizada en la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, para capacitar a alumnos y/o egresados de licenciaturas en artes sobre temas relacionados con el emprendimiento, las cuales presentan una pertinencia laboral baja, debido tanto al contexto de la ciudad de Chihuahua como a las condiciones mismas de los programas de estudio que preparan a los estudiantes para un medio laboral cerrado a la contratación de jóvenes, así como el gubernamental y de docencia artística. A partir del análisis de encuestas, literatura especializada, contenidos de los programas educativos y observación directa, se crea un curso en línea para auxiliar a estudiantes y egresados en su autoformación en temas de administración, mercadotecnia y capital humano; debido al poco impacto de este, se preparan cursos presenciales para que los estudiantes puedan crear proyectos productivos y accede...

Reflecting on Basic Art Education in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Implications for Higher Education

Reflecting on Basic Art Education in Aguascalientes, Mexico. Implications for Higher Education The basic art education in Aguascalientes, Mexico, faces a significant number of challenges that must be overcome and problems that must be addressed. Among other challenges, the public education system must train a high number of teachers who lack professional qualifications. The system also has to promote the training of its whole teaching staff and satisfy the demand for sufficient pedagogical materials. Thus, the author proposes that higher education must actively get involved with basic education by implementing remedial programs for unqualified teachers. It also must propose continuous education programs to foster a better preparation of the teaching staff and develop research projects that generate knowledge to promote more comprehensive and better-quality art education. The contributions made to the improvement of art education will impact on more sensitive, creative and harmonio...

Visit Xochimilco

If you ever wanted to visit Xochimilco with a guide in order to don't get lost an actually know what to do then I have a good guide agency that will give you a tour that could last from 6 to 10 hours Image from: oficial CDMX government site  

"Procura desmentir los elogios" by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

You might be more familiar with her myth than with her poems (except, of course, "Redondillas"), so let me post this classic sonet by one of Mexico's most beloved poets, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Just a piece of advice: don't look for her work in unless you want to die because of the cringy and pretentious comments in the site. Este que ves, engaño colorido, que, del arte ostentando los primores, con falsos silogismos de colores es cauteloso engaño del sentido; éste en quien la lisonja ha pretendido excusar de los años los horrores y venciendo del tiempo los rigores triunfar de la vejez y del olvido: es un vano artificio del cuidado; es una flor al viento delicada; es un resguardo inútil para el hado; es una necia diligencia errada; es un afán caduco y, bien mirado, es cadáver, es polvo, es sombra, es nada. De la Cruz, J. (1997) poems protests and a dream: selected writings. U.S.A. ed. PENGUIN random house

Café Tacvba live on KEXP

I mean... Do I really need an introduction for this one?  KEXP 2018 Nov 21 Café Tacvba - full performance (live on KEXP)

El Maximato

Well, PRI has come to an end once again. Let's take this chance to remember one of the most infamous reigns in our country's history, and one that made a lot of people think: "Hey... That's not how politics should work": el Maximato, presented by Bully Magnets. Bully Magnets 2012 sep 24  El maximato (primera parte) - Dante Salazar - Bully Magnets

Tour de cine Francés

LAS SALAS DE CINE DE ARTE DEL CCU BUAP PROYECTARÁN 22º TOUR DE CINE FRANCÉS From the 16th to the 25th of November the 22nd French Film Tour arrives at the Art Cinema Rooms of the University Cultural Complex of the BUAP with a proposal of seven feature films in the genres of comedy, melodrama, suspense and a biographical film. Created just over 20 years ago, the French Film Tour has become an annual tradition of the film agenda in Mexico. This year's offer includes, in addition to the seven feature films of contemporary French film production, 17 short films produced by the Mexican Institute of Cinematography (IMCINE), which will be screened alternately prior to each show. Today is the last day so you have to go!, if you want more information about, click here.  

Making Connections

Making Connections Human movement influences an individual's perceptions and ability to interact with the world. Through exercises, illustrations, and detailed anatomical drawings, this remarkable book guides the reader toward total body integration. An experimental approach to movement fundamentals involving the patterning of connections in the body according to principles of efficient movement, the process of total body integration encourages personal expression and full psychological involvement. If you want the full text, click here. Hackney, P. (2002). Making connections : total body integration through Bartenieff fundamentals. New York : Routledge, 2002. Retrieved from
The Beatles Sinfónico The group HELP and OSBUAP take beatlemania to another level. The performance of the Help group with OSBUAP will leave you really impacted. A masterful musician-vocal interpretation And a spectacular show with the original Beatles costumes, get ready to live a unique experience in its genre. If you want more information about, click here.  
“Navidad con la Sinfónica” Música navideña del Barroco al Pop Programa: -Christmas Concerto (Fatto per la notte di Natale) / Concerto Grosso No. 8/ Arcangelo Coreli -Aleluya / G.F. Handel -Suite de el Cascanueces /P.I. Tchaikovsky Intermedio -Noche de Paz / Franz Gruber -Blanca Navidad / Irving Berlín -This is Halloween/ D. Elfman -Navidad de Charlie Brown / V. Guaraldi -Libre Soy/ R.Lopez-K. Anderson -El Burrito Sabanero / Hugo Blanco -Recuérdame/ R. Lopez-K. Anderson -Sing A Song/ J. Raposo -Feliz Navidad /José Feliciano Christmas Concerto  (Concerto Grosso No. 8)- Arcangelo Coreli (1653-1713) El concierto lleva la inscripción  Fatto per la notte di Natale  (hecho para la noche de Navidad). Su fecha de composición es incierta, pero hay un registro de Corelli habiendo presentado un concierto de Navidad en 1690. If you want more information click here . 
Unidos por un concierto, Solistas de Puebla presentan “Claude Debussy” a cien años de su muerte PROGRAMA Syrinx para flauta sola – Eduardo Muñoz Jardins sous la Pluie (Jardines bajo la lluvia) – Lire Campos Espejel (piano) Petite Suite para piano a 4 manos – Claudia Cárdenas (piano), Rafael López Vera (piano) Rêverie – Andrés de Rivera (piano) Reflects dans l’eau (Reflejos sobre el agua) – Jaime Arellano (piano) L’isle Joyeuse (La isla alegre) – Enrique Castillo (piano) Romance (Romanza)- Elisa Avalos (soprano), Jaime Arellano (piano) Les cloches (Las campanas) – Elisa Avalos (soprano), Jaime Arellano (piano) Beau Soir (Hermosa tarde) – Elisa Ávalos (Soprano), Elena Ananyeva (piano) Clair de Lune (Claro de luna) – Elena Ananyeva (piano) Notes to the program One of the most powerful influences in the course of twentieth-century music was that of Claude Debussy (1862-1918). One of the aspects of his style is summarized in the term impressionism. This word was applied ...
De la Materia a la Idea The work of the artist Roberto Rugerio arrives at the UDLAP Art Chapel with the exhibition "From Matter to the Idea", formed through a mapping of the peculiar urban nature. If you want more information bout the exposition click here.  
Damir Ocko: Dicta - Exposición The Dicta II video questions the construction of political discourse under the cut-up model. Damir Ocko has been interested in the concept of "safeword" or safeword. It is an oral code agreed between two actors of a dominant-dominated consensual relationship, a word that sets a limit that should not be violated. The Amparo Museum in collaboration with the Jeu de Paume, Paris and the CAPC of Bordeaux presents the Satellite Program, which each year selects an independent curator responsible for the design of three exhibitions. You can find here more information.
Cultura Artística Mexicana - Exposición An artistic exhibition by the muralist Campillo M., who through a series of paintings seeks to show the public a bit of his talent in painting, where he shapes figures and everyday situations seen from an artistic point of view. Do not miss! If you want more information you have to click here.  
Cristóbal de Villalpando: Esplendor Barroco de Puebla - Exposición A temporary exhibition that deals with the research on the artistic and cultural impact that the artist Cristóbal de Villalpando had in the city of Puebla in the 17th century, as well as that he will be able to appreciate 20 pieces he made in the state. You will find relevant paintings such as The Moses and the Bronze Serpent, The Transfiguration of Jesus, The Immaculate Conception; part of the cultural heritage of the Ex Convent of Santo Domingo de Izúcar de Matamoros and other temples such as Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Nuestra Señora de la Luz, San Francisco; as well as paintings from the Puebla Cathedral collection. You can find here more information about the shedule. 
Contra el Estado de Guerra: Un Arte de Acción Total - Exposición Twenty years after the death of Marcos Kurtycz, his ephemeral actions have transformed the artist into a legendary character, alive in the oral memory of the Mexican cultural milieu. During this period, its archive has been structured and constitutes a seedbed of research that invites us to review the vastness and density of its production. Get to know his work in this exhibition! The man book. The artist of symbols. The one of the graphics and the clandestine impressions made "ritual action", performance. That was Marcos Kurtycz (Poland, 1934 - Mexico City, 1996). Experimental artist who found in the printing an art to alter the order. At least the plastic arts of the second half of the twentieth century in Mexico. That creativity whose origin was his training in graphics as a non-commercial practice. If you want to get more information click here.  
Cholula, La Ciudad Sagrada - Proyección de Cortometraje Do not miss the history of the ancient city of Cholula and its great pyramid, considered the largest in the world. This is the narration of the city that for centuries was the maximum place of pilgrimage in Mesoamerica. Do not let it go! If you want more information about this you can find here the shedule. 

Cats Puebla

Cats The Musical  If you have seen the movie or heard about the story of "cats" and you liked it or got interested on getting to know the story then you need to make some space for your 28th of novemember because "cats" the musical is going to be played at the Auditorio Metropolitano Puebla.
Cirque du soleil  Luzia  You have to see this incredible performance of cirque du soleil, the one of the most importants in the world, it will be in Mexico´s City this month, you don´t have to loose this oportunity.  Here is the link for buy the tickets and more information. 

An Investigation of Fine Arts Students' Attitudes towards Art Education Based on Some Variables

An Investigation of Fine Arts Students' Attitudes towards Art Education Based on Some Variables Author: Saygi Gerçeker, Ceren The purpose of the present study is to examine fine arts students' attitudes towards art education based on some variables. The data were collected through the "Attitude Scale towards Art Education" developed by Ayaydin and Kurtuldu and "Personal Information Form" developed by the researcher. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of the 32-item-scale is 0.90. The research consists of 234 students in the Art Teaching and Music Education Department, Faculty of Education, Fine Arts Education, Adnan Menderes University in 2017-2018 academic year. In the study, a descriptive screening model was used. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS Version 21. Since the data were not normally distributed, differences between the groups were analyzed with the Mann-Whitney U test for comparison of 2 groups and the Kruskal-Wal...
The relevance of NTICs in the strengthening of a museum/destination from a tourism perspective. A hermeneutics perspective in a contempory comunicational setting. This theoretical article attempts to set out a range of notions and perspectives regarding the sigificance of culture and NTICs. It aims to broaden the scope and work of museums, allowing them to be an integral part of the tourist destination, as well as increasing the importance of cultural tourism in any given destination or territory. It is put forward that cultural difussion and diversification strengthens identity and contributes to social cohesion, which when well conceived, is capable of bringing about the joining of forces over objectives of mutual benefit for a particular place. We refer to the diverse nature of culturalexperience as a great social and economic opportunity for tourism. All of the above is alalysed from a socio-hermeneutic perspective, with a focus on virtual communication and interaction. [ABSTRA...
A Contested Art: Modernism and Mestizaje in New Mexico Author: Gunckel, Colin You can found here the full text. The Western Historical Quarterly. Winter, 2016, Vol. 47 Issue 4, p487 Gunckel, C. (2016). A Contested Art: Modernism and Mestizaje in New Mexico. The Western Historical Quarterly, (4), 487. Retrieved from

Arte y cultura masónica en el México barroco / Art and Masonic culture in the Baroque Mexico

Arte y cultura masónica en el México barroco / Art and Masonic culture in the Baroque Mexico Fernández, Martha Despite its importance, Freemasonry in the art of the Baroque Mexico is absent in historiography, though there are enough elements to believe that despite all the obstacles faced, developments in art and society can be linked to Masonic culture since the end of the seventeenth century and early eighteenth century. Masonic concepts such as the Great architect of the universe, the representation of the Saints crowned, the presence of iconographic symbols such as the square, compass and Plumb, as well as the portrait of a novohispano architect as a master mason, lead us to explore that possibility. All of this considered within a social and artistic context must take into account the trade crisis and the existence of a titled Brotherhood of our Lady of joys and Santos architects. In this article I present advancements of a broader investigation that I'm developing ...

Dance and the Arts in Mexico, 1920-1950 : The Cosmic Generation

Dance and the Arts in Mexico, 1920-1950 : The Cosmic Generation Dance and the Arts in Mexico, 1920–1950 tells the story of the arts explosion that launched at the end of the Mexican revolution, when composers, choreographers, and muralists had produced state-sponsored works in wide public spaces. The book assesses how the “cosmic generation” in Mexico connected the nation-body and the dancer's body in artistic movements between 1920 and 1950. It first discusses the role of dance in particular, the convergences of composers and visual artists in dance productions, and the allegorical relationship between the dancer's body and the nation-body in state-sponsored performances. The arts were of critical import in times of political and social transition, and the dynamic between the dancer's body and the national body shifted as the government stance had also shifted. Second, this book examines more deeply the involvement of US artists and patrons in this Mexican arts mo...


The Alebrijes take a part of Mexican stories, Alebrijes are very colourful and fantastic creatures. Link:  

Typical sweets

Typical sweets are another of the many things that characterized Mexico, these sweets are very colourful and original. Link:  

Mexican handcrafts

Handcrafts are very important in the country and it takes part of Mexican culture. Link:  


This Mexican puppy, currently popular in several parts of the world, had its origin in the state of Chihuahua and from where his name was taken. Link:

Mexican inns

These celebrations are very popular in Mexico, all in the inn are decorated with striking colours. Link:

Pedro Infante

Pedro Infante was an important Mexican actor and singer in the golden age of Mexican cinema. Link:

Aztec dance

This dance continues to be very famous in Mexico for all its historical and cultural background. The dress for this dance is characterized by large plumes and very striking Aztec clothing. Link:  

The murals of Diego Rivera

The murals of this famous painter always represented the culture and history of Mexico, as can be seen in the image of one of his murals. Link: