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Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2018

Is This Art? An Experimental Study on Visitors’ Judgement of Contemporary Art

Is This Art? An Experimental Study on Visitors’ Judgement of Contemporary Art This is a journal article that talks about the judgement of contemporary art, you can found it here . If you want to read other articles this web page is fantastic. ‘Is this art?’ is a question often raised by museum visitors when encountering contemporary artworks. But what factors influence museum visitors’ judgement on contemporary art? To what extent do visitors’ prior knowledge, socio-demographic background, emotional experiences, and specific aspects of the artwork itself, influence their judgements? In the context of the Swiss National research project eMotion – Mapping Museum Experience, we investigated these questions experimentally. The site specific intervention created by the renown artist Nedko Solakov in the St. Gallen Fine Arts Museum allowed us to conduct such a concrete experiment. We interpreted the findings by statistical analyses of the data gathered from entry and exit que...


Cultura-Identidad The Use of Art in the University of Puerto Rico Student Movement, 2010 Katherine Everhart Humanity & Society, vol. 36, 3: pp. 198-219. , First Published July 26, 2012. Abstract: This article addresses the use of art in the University of Puerto Rico student movement of 2010 to achieve social movement outcomes, such as mobilization and collective identity. More specifically, this paper addresses two major research questions. One, what forms of art were present in the UPR student movement? Two, what impact do artistic objects and performances have on the movement, from the perspective of student activists and artists? Drawing upon 25 hours of observational data and 19 interviews with student activists, faculty, and artists, this paper demonstrates how activists incorporate multiple art forms, not only traditional forms like protest songs, but also innovative forms like street theatre. Incorporating a broad repertoire of art, the movement appealed to a broad po...

Contemporary art

Expositions  If you want to explore what contemporary art has to offer, you can go from this October 26 to November 02 to the exposition called Confessions XL presented by Janet 40 on Miguel E. Schultz 26.

Cultural escape

Expositions  If you have ever wondered how screenwriters do to create this amazing stories that surprise us then you have a date on the Guillermo y Sofia Jenkins auditorium of la Universidad de las Américas Puebla for the exposition Cultural Escape. Tha days you can go are the 9th of novemember from 16:00 to 21:00 and the 10th of november from 10:00 to 13:00, definitely give it a try.

Why We Need Arts Education

Why We Need Arts Education Gayle B. Roege, Kyung Hee Kim This review synthesizes previous research findings regarding the benefits of arts education, particularly in the visual arts, to suggest future educational directions in the United States. It recognizes the current trend in public education emphasizing accountability, which has resulted in diminishing attention to arts education. Participation in arts education may not directly result in improved achievement on standardized tests; however, arts education benefits students in several critical ways, improving students' mental health, self-confidence, and life skills. Arts education also helps foster creativity, and sustains the natural creativity of young children. Suggestions for future research directions in education are discussed. Reference:    Roege, G. B., Kim. K. H. (2013). Why we needs art education. EMPIRICAL STUDIES OF THE ARTS, 31(2). 121-130. Retrieved from https://eds-b-ebscohost-com....

Independence of Mexico

September 16th is a very important date for all Mexicans, this day the independence of Mexico is celebrated and families go out to enjoy this day together. Link:  

Frida Kahlo

She was one of the most important painters in Mexico, Frida and her husband (Diego Rivera) created pieces of art that went around the world, also these paintings represent Mexico very well. Link:  

Biodiversity in Mexico

The biodiversity that exists in the country is also part of the Mexican culture, for example, the jaguar was a very important animal for the Mayan civilization because it represented force. Link:  

Important monuments in Mexico

The most famous monuments worldwide are the pyramids, which surprise people for its architecture and the history of the civilization that built them. Link:  

Mexican culture

Mexico is a country with a lot of culture, Mexico has a grate variety of dances, food, and music depending on the state. Link:

You know what's freacking great? Jazz

Enjoy the incomparable Alex Mercado with the oh, so godly! Antonio Sánchez, who you may know as that one dude that composed (improvised, in this case) the soundtrack for the Oscar-winning film Birdman . ·          Alex Mercado (2015, enero 13), Symbiosis - Alex Mercado Trio feat. Scott Colley & Antonio Sánchez

There's nothing better than old horror movies that have aged a lot.

Hasta el viento tiene miedo Here's a scene from  Hasta el viento tiene miedo . You can find the full movie on Youtube, but I don't want to take any copyright-related risks by sharing it. This film was directed by Carlos Enrique Taboada: pioneer of the horror genre and one of Quentin Tarantino's influences. ·          MasComunicacionBlog (2013, julio 3) Hasta el Viento Tiene Miedo (Trailer 1968) HD


El llano en llamas I present to you "¡Diles que no me maten!" as written by Juan Rulfo, in the voice of Juan Rulfo. This is a short story from his famous book El llano en llamas . ·          loscarmar (2012, marzo 4) Diles que no me maten. COMPLETO de Juan Rulfo

Interview with Carlos Monsivais

Carlos Monsiváis  Wasn't he an adorable teddy bear? A very political, balding teddy bear. This is an interview made by spanish TV show Charlando con Cervantes.

"Hormigas" by Ramón López Velarde

Antonio López Velarde My only job is to post videos, but look at this lovely piece of poetry by Antonio López Velarde . To give you some context, he was in love with his female cousin, and his life became quite troublesome after she died. A la cálida vida que transcurre canora con garbo de mujer sin letras ni antifaces, a la invicta belleza que salva y que enamora, responde, en la embriaguez de la encantada hora, un encono de hormigas en mis venas voraces. Fustigan el desmán del perenne hormigueo el pozo del silencio y el enjambre del ruido, la harina rebanada como doble trofeo en los fértiles bustos, el Infierno en que creo, el estertor final y el preludio del nido. Mas luego mis hormigas me negarán su abrazo y han de huir de mis pobres y trabajados dedos cual se olvida en la arena un gélido bagazo; y tu boca, que es cifra de eróticos denuedos, tu boca, que es mi rúbrica, mi manjar y mi adorno, tu boca, en que la lengua vibra asomada al mundo ...


Eddie Guerrero Here's Eddie Guerrero winning the WWE championship. He was not really mexican, but shhhhhhh. He was a turning point in the history of Lucha Libre, which, at the end of the day, is one of the most representative aspects of mexican culture.

Are people going to hate me for sharing this?

Frida Kahlo another point of view  I love Antonio, and I think it can be important to look at this woman from a more critical point of view (which is quite ironic, considering the purpose of this blog). In this video, he talks about the life of Frida Kahlo and how she became a myth from the country's point of view. ·          Antonio García Villarán (2017, diciembre 21) LA OTRA CARA DE FRIDA KAHLA. CRÍTICA DE ARTE A SU OBRA

Interview with Jorge Luis Borges and Octavio Paz about modern poetry.

Jorge Luis Borges  and Octavio Paz  Because you cannot get any cooler than this. As you would expect fromo these two guys, they talk about stuff that blows your mind and the roll poetry plays in contemporary society. ·          Sergio Flemante (2014, abril 8) Octavio Paz y Jorge Luis Borges sobre La Poesía en Nuestro Tiempo 1/2
Oral Traditions in Greater Mexico  Marcia Farr  What Américo Paredes (1993) once called Greater Mexico now exists all over the United States. That is, the Mexican diaspora (perhaps Cuauhtémoc’s true revenge) is evident from Alaska to Georgia, and everywhere in between. This presence of Mexicans is particularly notable in Chicago, the global Midwestern city, which now counts a million persons of Mexican descent in its metropolitan area (U.S. Census 2000). Mexicans, like all peoples, bring their oral traditions with them in such transnational migrations. Mexican oral traditions rely on a wide range of genres, from the more canonical corridos (narrative folk songs with poetic structuring; see HerreraSobek 1990, Limón 1992), proverbs (Dominguez Barajas 2002), riddles, and jokes to varying types of informal narratives. The richness of these oral traditions illustrates the creativity and high value placed on rhetorical competence (Briggs 1988) within Mexican cultures and the...